2023 to 2024 WT Hebrew Year Calendar

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SHALOM! May you ALL be exceedingly blessed in 2023! May Yah’s Grace and Mercy pour down upon your lives, your homes, and your families! Hallelujah!Today we come to you with a gift from our hearts to yours. It is a BIG thank you to all of our donors and supporters over the years. We are only this far because TMH Father in Heaven has used you to help us build to the point where we are today, so… THANK YOU!

Please enjoy this free Wakefulness Theology Calendar for the Hebrew Year 2023 to 2024. We are privately releasing it for the first time. Yah be willing, we will be able to do it yearly. This Calendar is based on the Enoch Calendar as calculated by Leeland Jones and designed by Apostle Betsie for Wakefulness Theology. We noticed that every year Israel is celebrating Yah’s Holy Feast Days at different times. To put us all on one footing and in one accord, the Holy Spirit has inspired us to make this calendar. As well, it is to ensure that everyone has all the information to observe the Holy Feast Days as The Most High Father in heaven has commanded us to do. Observing the Holy Feast days and Holy Convocations as set out in Leviticus 23 is fulfilling our side of the Covenant with Yah.

As already mentioned, we are distributing this Calendar as a gift to you. If you have been blessed by the Wakefulness Theology Ministry, and you are prompted by the Holy Spirit to donate, you are most welcomed to do so. Your donations will go towards building the Tent of Meetings Tabernacle here in Tanzania. As you may already know, we are also building a Christian Safe place here as well. All Praise, Glory, and Honor to TMH Father in Heaven! Hallelujah! Thank you again. Be blessed. Holy is Yashayah